KAG Invasion of Broyhill Civic Center

October 29, 2021, I invaded the Broyhill Civic Center in Lenoir, NC for a performance of the black and white movie “Frankenstein” with musical score provided by the Western Piedmont Symphony Orchestra. (Many years ago, I had the privilege of playing the recorder with the orchestra as a member of the SCA musical group called Brandywine Consort. We assisted with their performance of Noye’s Fludde.)

Prior to the performance a costume contest was held and I was tapped to participate. There were several interesting costumes presented, but the Klingon Empire prevailed. I won and was given tickets to an upcoming performance.

The evening was amazing. The orchestral accompaniment added so much to the film. Afterwards, I was honored to have my holoimage taken with the man of the hour, Frankenstein’s monster himself, and later the conductor, the brilliant Matthew Troy. The invasion was a success!

IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, CO Dark Star Quadrant, CO IKV Executioner
