KAG Invades Hickory Comic Con


On the 19th of March, 2022 in a Joint Mission the crews of the KPV Krimson Fury — 2nd Lt. Krikala tai-Hov che’, 2nd Lt. Dronoss tai-Hov che’, and son Cadet 2nd Lt. Gartok tai-Hov che’ — and IKV Executioner — Lt. Cmdr. Martok vestai lunqIj and IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric — beamed down to the Hickory Comic Con.

There they proceeded to set up a surveillance display to represent KAG, and monitor and engage with the huMans who were attending. Much intel and appreciation was gathered along with donations totaling $700.00 in huMan currency to support the Kwanzaa Family Inn women’s shelter. It was a Glorious Day!

