KAGCom AER: Star Trek: Into Darkness Movie Premier

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The highly anticipated sequel to the Star Trek movie reboot by J. J. Abrahms opened Wednesday May 15th at midnight. Keela was present for this event. The movie was very good, she reported. Shows were scheduled Thursday, May 16th as well, but, thanks to Manager, Sabrina Bryant, on opening weekend (May 17-19; Friday, Saturday and Sunday) the Klingon Assault Group was allowed to come into the theater and present a Star Trek Expo for patrons of the theater. Star Trek Independent Fleetmembers were invited to attend as well.

KAG and STIF participants were:


Leila McMichael (Keela of IKV Raging Wolf)
Angela Waycaster (K’Lara of IKV Restless Star)

Christine Gagliardi (S’Resh of IKV Raging Wolf) with Wallaby (Raging
Marshmallow, mascot of IKV Raging Wolf)

Brian Vinciguerra (Suran of Vulcan, Warrior-At-Large)
Jeff Duckworth (Star Trek Independent Fleet)

Leila McMichael (Keela)
Angela Waycaster (K’Lara)

Nicole Reavis (Mejhara of IKV Gre’thors Revenge)

Leila McMichael (Keela)

Christine Gagliardi (S’Resh) with Wallaby (Raging Marshmallow)
Neal Haas (Kaldhas of IKV Executioner)

Robert Bailey (Star Trek Independent Fleet)

All participants received a pass to be used later. It was a glorious opportunity to support Star Trek in our local area and promote the Klingon Assault Group!

Holo-images are found at:

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