Data Recovered – AER: Zombies Invade Timmins

borg zombie walk

3rd of 8 Systems initializing………………………………………………

Files corrupted…………………………………………………………

Data recovery in progress………………………………………….


17 October 2015

Sensors have detected a containment breach in viral analysis facility. Virus causes cellular regeneration of non-living tissue in humanoids. Side effects include heightened aggression, cognitive degeneration and compulsion toward cannibalism.


Contagion level previously unknown. Analysis projects rapid spread of virus in human population.


We shall secure and assimilate. Deploying drone.


3rd of 8 deployed to epicenter of viral outbreak.

1 8 21 18

Federation Officer detected. Engineering Specialty. Zombie virus detected. We shall pursue and assimilate.


Infected population vacating area. Course projected across city to Value Village facility. 3rd of 8 continuing pursuit.


Infected human secured. Commencing assimilation.

71 73


Alert. Drone contaminated with virus. Nanoprobes unable to combat infection. Systems corrupted. Isolating drone from Collective for further analysis.

Record ends.

Sensors have intercepted human communications containing additional data regarding viral outbreak of 17 October 2015. Analysis reveals viral outbreak part of human efforts to draw donations to Value Village. Proceeds from donations go to benefit Canadian Diabetes Association.

Imperial Xeno Legion troops associated with Crimson Dawn present:

Zombie Red Shirt – tlharnoQ

3rd of 8 – Maj’vIq


Lieutenant Maj’vIq tai-Mk’naj
Executive Officer
IKV Crimson Dawn
