Capt Mox and Mindscanner # 97

Who or what is a Capt Mox?

Well, to break it down, Capt = a Marine Captain, unlike a Navy Captain (CAPT), so a little Captain has managed to cobble together a uniform, has been around for a little while, done a few things here and there, and managed to live to tell about it; unlike a BIG CAPT who has been here for a long time, has seen many wonderous things, led many Klingons into several battles, has not only had the run of a ship, but oft times much more.

As to a Mox.  In short, that’s me.

I’ve been called different things by different people on this site.  The nicer ones include pest, door greeter, hall monitor, security officer, Jarhead, communications officer, nut job, recruiter, amateur historian, gamer, idea man, ear, and most recently Editor-in-Training.  As apposed to Editor-in-Chief; ADM qurgh gets to keep that distinction for a while longer while longer, at least until I finally get it right, or he finds somebody better qualified.  Of which the seat is always open, and I’ll be more than willing to help and support.

Which leads us to the crux of this article.  Mindscanner issue # 97.


I failed in my mission to have it out by June.  ADM qurgh has been patient, provided guidance that a Gorn should be able to understand, and assisted when the Gorn was apparently smarter.  Despite my lack of knowledge and/or talent, we managed to finally complete the mission, and issue # 97 is ready for your viewing pleasure.

So, accept my friend request, pull up a copy of the latest Mindscanner, and enjoy; they’ll only get better from here.

I’d like Issue # 98 to focus on recaps of Cons, Anniversary Parties, and Movie Premier Nights.  Submit your field reports, send holo-images, or just a quick note to tell us what you did.  Include all participants (even if it was just you), and what ship, quadrant, or fleet you are currently serving, so that we can consolidate them.  Get them in early, and submit as often as you want.  # 98 will be posting sometime the last half of September.  So don’t miss the transport and get your transmissions in early.

Klingon Model

Capt Mox tai-Kurkura
Door monitor


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