Hail Warriors,
KAG’s 25th Anniversary celebration at Archon has come and gone, but let’s continue to celebrate throughout the year the milestone of 25 years as the BEST Klingon fan club on the planet!
Issue #92 of the MINDSCANNER, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been unleashed! This issue celebrates KAG’s 25 years. Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures and articles. Thanks to Lt. Cmdr. Kaith for another great cover. A special thanks to Admiral qurgh, our very talented web weaver for all he does to make the MINDSCANNER happen!
The theme of the next issue is Klingon Art. Submit pictures of your paintings, crafts, sculpture, glassware, props, costuming, etc. Include a short blurb about your submission, including your name / rank, and what Fleet / Quadrant you are from. Projected publication date is around the first of 2015, so get your submissions in now!
Meanwhile, enjoy MINDSCANNER #92!
Captain Keela zantai-Septaric
Editor, Mindscanner
Klingon Assault Group