Announcing Mindscanner #88

Happy Samhain and Halloween, Warriors!

Issue #88 of the Mindscanner, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been released! It contains news of vital interest from all sections of KAG. Thanks to everyone who submitted articles, information and holoimages (a special thanks to CONography for use of their photographs of the Dragon*Con parade), and to qurgh, our honorable web weaver.

The plan is to have the Holiday issue have a Quartermaster theme. So if you want to write an article on how to make something (simple or complex), get started on it NOW as the deadline will be December 8, 2013 at midnight. Get those articles, tutorials and holoimages as soon as possible, starting now. Remember you can submit directly on the website or send to me at [email protected].

Feel free to share the link to this issue, and all of the Mindscanners found on the website, to promote the Klingon Assault Group.

Enjoy Qapla’!!!

IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric
Editor, Mindscanner
Klingon Assault Group
