AER: IKV logh veng at Houston’s ComicPalooza 2018

After Encounter Report
Houston ComicPalooza
May 26-28, 2018
George R Brown Convention Center
Houston, Texas

Reporting officer: Lieutenant Doval vestai of the House of SepchIS Chief Engineer for the IKV logh veng.

On Friday, May 26th I arrived as an advanced scout for the IKV logh veng at ComicPalooza.  The next day the crew of the IKV logh veng rendezvoused with me at ComicPalooza.  In attendance were:

Lieutenant Doval vestai of the House of SepchIS (Matthew Whiteacre)
Lieutenant Martek tai of the House of Konjah (Mark Andrew Faulkner)
2nd Lieutenant Lizoa tai (Zoa Richter)
Sergeant Major J’ael (Joanna Raven Howard)

Our mission was to educate the attending humans concerning the Klingon Empire.  To that end, we assisted our local Star Fleet International group with a panel and had the presiding Admiral recognize our ship by name.  We proceed to go about the convention spreading the great deeds our empire has done.  Many times, we were stopped and the humans asked for photographs of us in our glorious uniforms.

All in all, it was a Glorious Day for the empire.

Lieutenant Doval vestai
Ending Report Transmission



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