Issue #83
Summer 2012


Cold Terror Fleet Report

A Summer of Growth and Change is afoot.

After a wonderful, if intimate, gathering at Conquest, I am encouraged by the future of our Fleet.

Warriors like MarQIS, JaPa, and others are the quintessential "Sergeants." This is a compliment BTW. If you know anything about the military, it may be the officers that get the glory, but it's the Sergeants that get things done. And they are getting things done.

The thing about fandom is that people are always telling you about stuff they are going to do, but the great thing about KAG is that folks actually get things done.

Also we are adding ships and getting more and more people into our little thing!
Keep it up folks!

CSQLast but certainly not least -- in fact incredibly important  -- is the the appointment of Admiral KwISt zantai-XuDetlh as the new Quadrant Commander of the Cold Steel Quadrant!

It is a rare thing to be the commanding officer of such a glorious warrior who has seniority on me! Twisty's accomplishments are legendary, and he is one of the true foundations of KAG, and I am looking forward to seeing him work his magic on his new Quadrant assignment!


Admiral Qob! zantai-Hurric
Cold Terror Fleet CO
[email protected]
