Mindscanner Issue #76
Spring 2009




skinned targhKerla asked if I'd bring my skinned targ to MARCON.  My comrades on the DARK SUN call it 'Arnold' (Ziffel, ala GREEN ACRES).  How do you say 'no' to Kerla??? SO...Arnold the Targ goes on the list of things to bring to Columbus.

KRISBANNERS-- my KAG Admiral's standard; IKV DARK SUN banner.
A ST3 Genesis Planet Worm.  Maybe two of em.
Disruptor pistols
Uniforms and cloaks
Collapsible spears/batons
The Targ

I'm bringing a Painstik; hopefully some of you will haul along your own painsticks.  Perhaps there'll be candidates that need poking at a Rite of Ascension, (not that Sonchiy Ceremony.  Jabbing a painstik into the dead just doesn't appeal to me.)  Making the trip is a Klingon mining 'phaser' from ST6--this is a prize for a contest that we'll be holding.

Also on the list?  Forty pounds of Chocolate for use (or abuse) in our party room...or to taunt reporters/camera crews.

About reporters....
KRIS'S BIG BAG O' HEADPIECES.  It's rather enlightening  to stick a headpiece on reporters.  The press get an understanding of a key elements in Klingon fandom.  AND they look funny, and they know it.

If you have ship, quadrant, or fleet banners, bring 'em along.  We want to flood the Hyatt with Klingon visuals.
And Klingons.   Remember: Sunday is TOS Klingon Day.

Video cameras.  Definitely!!  I bought an RCA 'My Life/Small Wonder'  camcorder, which is really good, and REALLY small.  Small enough to fit into a cloak pocket.

That's enough stuff.  I'm gonna need a bigger car!!!   See you in Columbus, Klingon!

John Halvorson
5624 Fair Ave 116
North Hollywood CA 91601
[email protected]
