Mindscanner Issue #72
Summer 2007

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Warriors of the IKV Melota and IKV Bayou Serpent, and some Feds from the USS Joshua,  promoting Dallas Symphony Orchestra's Star Trek Symphony.

"It’s Snowing in the Enterprise"

I have been a huge Science Fiction fan since the mid 70’s and remember watching TOS con a 19” black and white TV with really bad reception which when it showed the Enterprise moving through space there were a lot more stars, but then again it seemed to always be snowing on the ship and every planet they went too. In 1977 Star Wars came out and there was no snow anywhere in the movie and it was in color, well also in 1978 my Dad came home in early September with a new 25” color TV and we was able to watch all of the Fall TV shows in Color and without snow. That year Battlestar Galatica also came out and once again there was no snow. I thought to myself why is it Star Trek only goes to the cold planets and none of these other shows or movies go there? Well a few weeks went by and the Channel that aired TOS moved Star Trek to 5PM Monday-Friday, which was on right after Cartoons after school. I realized that it was the TV we had and not an over abundance of cold winter plants and that the environmental systems that was on the Enterprise was not just going haywire.

The reason I am writing about this is we have all seen some huge changes in the way we watch TV, where we watch TV, when we watch TV, and whom we watch TV with. In my home, I have a 52” HDTV, my son and daughter both have 27” TV’s in their rooms and I have a 32” TV in the Basement in my work shop and play area. I have the kids TV’s set-up to Block stuff that is to old for them, The TV in the basement does not have the picture so the kids don’t mess with it. But I find when I sit down at night know matter what I am watching I have two kids on both sides of me watching whatever I am watching. My oldest ((13) which just moved in with me in mid February) a few days ago during a commercial asked me what was it like just listening to a radio and not being able to see what was going on. I looked at him a little puzzled and asked him how old do you think I am? Well he knows how old I am, but my Mother was telling him a story awhile about HG. Wells and the Radio Broadcast of “War of the Worlds” well to make a long story a little shorter My Mother must have said my name meaning someone else’s so Alex was a bit confused. The point too this is we have come a long ways in the forum of Entertainment or the medium in which it travels to use, be it radio, analog, digital, Black and White, Color, sitting in front of a TV or Computer screen watching your favorite show at a time of your picking or the actual time slot when it is aired make time for your kids, or a loved one to share that time with and share your thoughts of what you see.

I told my Dad and Mom several years after I found out that it was not snowing on The Enterprise what I had thought they both got a big kick out of it. Watching TV, gaming, Clubs that you belong to can also be a good place to spend time with your not only friends but with family too.

The perception we had as kids, may just be the same perceptions our kids have, so if you had a bad perception as a kid please try to help change it for your kids or for a friends child. We can all make the Future a little Brighter for us and someone else.

Lt. Col MarQIS sutai-qul
