Mindscanner Issue #70
Autumn 2005

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Thought Admiral
Kerla and BattleAxeAnother year running toward winter in the northern hemisphere, and toward summer for the Warriors down under.  So while some of us are hugging our bloodwine mugs to keep warm, Kohn can sit under a nice, shady tree and think up some new short stories for us, like the one in Qob's fan-fic section in this issue.

This has been a record year for heat and hurricanes, and yet KAG has continued to grow.  New ships, new members, new energy.  More fun and games, twists and turns, new adventures, and death howls for Warriors taken.

For this issue #70 of MindScanner, Captain Keela sutai-Septaric has taken a turn at the editorial helm.  I think she's done a fine job.  Qapla', Keela!

Conventions are taking it hard too this year.  Chalk it up to the recession or Star Trek going on hiatus, some cons are closing shop.  Will this imperil KAG's liveliness?  Perhaps, BUT NOT TODAY!  Our talent shines at throwing the parties.

You meet three kinds of Klingons at cons: those who can't find fun with both hands and a GPS funfinder; those with a nose for fun, and thoses with funny noses . . . er -- I mean, those with a know-how for fun.  So if your ship sees action, don't keep it a secret.  Showmanship is YOUR responsibility, Warrior! Send a post to [email protected] -- the archival record of KAG's glory -- and tell the rest of us about YOUR glory!

Strength and Honor,
for KAG

Thought Admiral Kerla epetai-MaHcha'
[email protected]
[email protected]

Carol Nye
628 Buckeye St.
Hamilton, OH 45011
