Mindscanner Issue #68
Autumn 2004

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Warriors of KAG!!! Hurricanes on the southeastern coast of the USA have left many people in need, some of them our friends and families.  Let us show our Warrior's strength by helping them!! In doing so we may also be helping our own people. For the following two months, all KAG ships are encouraged to hold fundraisers in whatever is your way; bake sale, a walkathon, a bowl-off, or possibly a raffle.
Send any funds you raise directly to:
  American Red Cross
  Disaster Relief Fund
  PO Box 37243
  Washington, D.C. 20013
Or if you wish you can make a donation to the Red Cross Online
Another way to send money would be to talk to your local churches. Almost every church has some kind of relief fund effort to which you could add your bit. 
And please share the news of your efforts and activities with the rest of KAG!

- GarahQ of House Hurric
(aka David L. McCulloch)

<[email protected]>
Hurrican Relief Effort Coordinator
Klingon Assault Group
