Mindscanner #62
by Leila McMichael < [email protected] >

We are Klingons. We are Warriors. Are we yet more than this?

Of all the known species, Klingon light burns the brightest. It is well known that the stars are rarely seen on the homeworld because of the cloud layer of Kronos. It was legend among our people that to see the naked stars was considered a portent for good fortune and victory in battle. Now that we travel freely among these same naked stars, we have become like them. We are burning beacons to the rest of the cosmos, urging all to follow our path. And what is both the path and the source of our flame? HONOR!

Of all the beings that populate this galaxy, none hold honor in as high esteem as we do. Klingons have no religion, yet we posses almost a religious fervor in our perception of honor: what it means to us, and how it guides our lives and our interactions with each other. Most outworlders cannot understand our creed. Precious few of them even try. Yet we remain as beacons to the ideal. Perhaps one day all beings will walk in honor with each other, but for now it is the happy duty of every Klingon to burn brightly and show the universe true dignity.

Within the heart of every Klingon flows the hottest blood in the galaxy. We laugh the loudest, play the hardest, fight the longest, and love the strongest of any in the universe! Our joy of life and unswerving pride in our heritage is renowned throughout the galaxy. Klingons take hold of challenge with eager fingers. It matters not that we fall in battle, it matters that we fall gloriously, so that songs and tales of our exploits will join with our forebears' legacy, continuing to teach and inspire Klingon children for thousands of generations. Our battle cries still echo throughout the corridors of time. We are a fighting race, we are a winning race, and we will never change!

Now we Klingons, brothers all, Marine, Navy and Demon Fleet alike, stand poised on the brink of our greatest challenge: to build our quadrant until it is the envy of the naked stars themselves! As Quadrant Commander, I call upon all of our Warriors to let honor and glory renew them and strengthen them. Let us put aside every difference. Let us come together in glorious battle. Let us rededicate ourselves to serving the Empire! Let us build this Quadrant! Let us burn brightly as only Klingons know how!!!

Yes, we are Klingons. Yes, we are Warriors. And, yes, we are even MORE than this! May honor guide your words and deeds! May glory follow close behind!


Lt. Cmdr. Keela sutai-Septaric
Central Quadrant