Mindscanner #55 
By M'Leska (Annie Ost <[email protected]>
It all began on a dark night on Qo'noS. Being a newly enlisted rank amateur, the task was upon me to make a Klingon Uniform! "Bah!" I said.

It's a wonder that I am not bald. Though, I must say a few hairs are definitely missing. No sooner had I acquired the necessary materials to construct an Imperial Klingon Uniform than the trouble started.

I didn't mind bloodwine on my animal furs. Or Moxy on the leather. It was actually getting down to making it. I must have torn out over 1000 strips before I finally was happy with the result. Though, I was never 'happy'.

Never in my life have my fingers been so clumsy. Fighting the urge to throw the whole mess in the lake, I took several deep breaths and deep drinks. (Several)

I found in a drunken state that I was able to overcome the imperfections and make something that I could throw on my body. (instead of into the lake). Though it was not what my superiors said it should look like, it began to take on a life of its own.

My drunken Klingon friends were no help at all, though, in vain I had at one time tried to enlist their help. They would break out in song or spill more precious drink on my materials. One lusty fellow made attempts to try it on. He wouldn't listen to reason, "Its too small for you!" I said. The result was disastrous. It was back to the drawing board to start once again. Argh!

Months passed, battles raged and I in my Hoga robe sat pinning yet another strip to an unseemly uniform. There came a point where I felt it would never be finished. The task so overwhelmed me that the idea that it was beyond my comprehension had to be fought.

I started daily affirmations. In front of a mirror I would proclaim as loud as a Klingon could "This is easy, I can do this, One step at a time, I am special. I deserve to be in this world and the world owes me an Imperial Klingon Uniform!"

It worked! Slowly the pieces started to patch together. A

confidence overcame me as I locked the sewing room door once again. (15 doors had been replaced since I started, since my companions felt I needed a cheering section.)

Then, it was done. Gleaming before me, my pride of place in the empire was assured. After trying it on, I was amazed at how well it fit. It actually fit! And it was comfortable! So comfortable in fact that I didn't take it off. Though, I must say that the aroma of Bloodwine and Moxy does add a unique distinction to it.
M'Leska of House MaHcha'

 Artwork by Gary Nelson